I love EVERYTHING about the Elk Falls Outhouse Festival.
It's a highly clever event that involves the community and is very fun for the public. That it happens in a small town of 112 is just a super bonus.
Aside from the main feature, there is an arts-and-crafts fair in the auditorium, rummage sales around town, 4-H sells goodies, there are activities for kids, and the senior citizen center, the cafe, and the the Mills' from Moline sell food. A
I felt good about buying $157 worth of stamps at the small post office and was glad for the post master's response that that would make her monthly report look good.
We got to help Dorothy -- sort of. She has run the "front desk" for so many years that you don't really want to mess up her sys
This is the outhouse at the headquarters and where you come later to turn in your ballot -- either at the drive through window or inside.
People come dressed for the theme.
I think there were 11 outhouses this year. The public votes for their favorites. Here are just a few:
The Greenhouse where you can get a view from the loo. The energy efficient system has the fish do the recycling.
The post office used some items laying around.
Gilligan's Island got in on the act, too.
This was the "Social Movement" venue.
And, the Dog Pound stop.
Part of the requirement is that the outhouse designers write a story to go along with their theme. The possibilities for a play on words with this subject is endless and, you can be sure, they are all used.
How such a crappy topic can provide so much relief from the hum drum world is a testament to the citizens of Elk Falls. Attendance was well over 1,000 people. Not bad for this town of just over 100.
If you want to be privvy to where small towns get their will to succeed come to next year's Elk Falls Outhouse Festival. It's held the Friday and Saturday before Thanksgiving each year.
KE #2 Marci Penner
Great fun! I was there on Friday, but missed a couple of those wonderful meditation closets! Way to go, Elk Fallsians, I've been telling friends they need to check out your event some time.
I was there Friday and viewed all 14 outhouses and even some not on the tour. There were great crafts in the gym and some new ones this year, and the chicken & noodles were delicious and hot. Hit all the garage sales and purchased my usual four Christmas tree decorations at the Pottery Shop for my children and myself. Went to see the beautiful falls and wished the sun was out as they are so much prettier then. Even though it was a 'crappy' day (cool and cloudy) the people's friendly faces made it warm and sunny. Ended the afternoon viewing the quilts and eating the famous apple dumplings. I have been every year and recommend it to all.
An outhouse is a type of toilet in a small structure separate from the main building which does not have a flush and is not attached to a sewer.
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