Friday, August 29, 2008


We're finally finding time to start posting on our new blog since finishing up the prep work to announce the next round of finalists for the 8 Wonders of Kansas project.

The 8 Wonders of Kansas Art finalists were announced yesterday (August 28) here at the Kansas Sampler Center near Inman. None of the finalists knew who the other 24 finalists were so there was an air of suspense when people from around the state began to arrive. The big announcement came when we presented the finalists via a power point presentation on the barn's "big screen." The oohs and ahs came naturally when the names and photos of each finalist was presented, followed by loud applause and appreciation.

It was a fun time and the energy was great. We appreciated the media from Moundridge and Lindsborg attending while the Wichita Eagle and Hutchinson News staff stayed in the office and prepared the story and photos in time to go to press for today's papers.

Big thanks to Marci's mom, VLee for providing the ever scrumptious homemade cookes for the reception and running the sound board for the presentation.

All in all it was a fun day, but as always we have heard from disappointed nominees who didn't make the final 24. Marci is fielding those calls and e-mails with sincerity and regret. It was hard to choose only 24 from the incredible array of choices in our state and it is hard to break bad news to those who have such appreciation and passion for their nominee. In our eyes though, everyone in this state is a winner!

We'll be headed to Stark today to prepare for the second in a series of four "Bring Your Own Lawn Chair" (BYOLC) series. Check it out on our website and join us either tomorrow at Murphy's Mercantile or for the other two coming soon in Morland and Dexter.

Yours truly,

The Director of "Cool" - WenDee Rowe LaPlant
Assistant Director
Kansas Sampler Foundation

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