Sunday, November 23, 2008

Norma is the Pie Winner!

Surrounded by fans and friends in Dover, Norma Grubbs heard the news that she was the winner of the "Best Slice of Pie" contest organized by Good Morning America Weekend.

The url to see Norma hearing the news is:
or under the You Tube section.

Norma made 56 pies this week, about double her usual amount. Because of the publicity, the Sommerset Cafe in Dover had more business than ever. Norma is an 88-year-old that sure knows how to bake a pie the right way.

Norma's victory should be evidence enough that our small town resources (people like Norma, places like Sommerset Cafe) are of great interest. Likely she had to double her pie-baking numbers this week because of more Kansans coming to visit. Just think if we kept talking up these kind of places. It would help rural communities get the boost they need and it would affirm the fact that what rural communities need to do is work on being the best they can be at being themselves.

Norma and the Sommerset Cafe are the big winners this week because they were just being their best and people noticed -- and then people came.

If you understand that being the best at being yourself is far more important in rural Kansas than a highly expensive ad campaign then you "Get Kansas."

KE #2 Marci Penner

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