Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Buy Christmas Card Stamps in Small Towns

There are two great reasons to go to unincorporated Pfeifer in Ellis County. One reason is to visit the Holy Cross Church, one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas Architecture. The other is to buy stamps at the post office and visit with Carol!
Do so before Dec. 31. The Pfeifer post office will close that day and all the boxholders will go on the rural route.
Carol Billinger, the post master, is going to retire and since the post office is also a family residence it wouldn't work to keep it in that house/building. There is no other appropriate space in town. Carol says that everyone understands and has been great about it. This is an incredible tribute to the townspeople and how well they get along.

Most post offices have to close because of lack of revenue. Somehow Pfeifer, an unincorporated town was able to stay open. Every stamp you buy, every post office box purchased, every bulk rate permit makes a difference to the revenue and viablity of a post office. Amount of revenue determines salaries, hours, and even type of equipment.
You'll see in small post offices that many still have the manual scales to weigh a letter. Bigger post offices have the digital scales. Those scales aren't something the post office goes out and buys -- they are assigned to each post office and the degree of techniness depends on the revenue.
Supporting small town post offices and visiting with the clerk will help you "Get Kansas!"

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