Thursday, February 5, 2009

It sure takes a lot of work to do intro's!

Scott Williams, producer, made the trek from Topeka to the farm (near Inman) today to tape some intro's for future Sunflower Journey Explorer segments. They will be some re-runs about things to see and do in Kansas, including the first ever Explorer Group Adventure. It was so long ago that I had curly hair -- and big glasses. Oh, I hope they aren't the rose-tinted ones.

As soon as Scott arrived we headed for the kitchen. Making friends with Phoebe was important, too.


That sure is a lot of equipment for intro's!

OK. Now where am I supposed to stop?

Maybe it would help to mark the spot with frogs.

The camera is up there.

And before long we were done. Time to take it all down. That sure is a workout.
It's always fun to work with Scott.
Do you watch Sunflower Journeys? You should! It will help you "Get Kansas!"

KE #2 Marci Penner


  1. I would watch them but they don't play in the metro Kansas City area.

  2. I hope you get copies as we only get Missouri PBS :(
