Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's so much fun to be Relentless!

170 people from 84 Kansas communities attended the March 24 We Kan Conference in Salina. The theme was Relentless for Rural. It might as well have been "Have Fun for Rural!"

One of the highlights was the sign parade. The task was framed like this. Let's say you had a 30-second video cast on your community web page with someone from your town (past or present) inviting the world to come visit. The questions to be answered on the signs were 1) who would make the invitation and 2) where would they be standing?

40-50 signs were in the parade with the new rural tourism theme song playing in the background and Debbie Divine and Lynda Fort carrying the Relentless for Rural banner at the head of the parade.

Then emcee John Divine had everybody give a 30-second explanation of their sign.

Everyone had such clever answers and it was a fun way to learn about the town!

Barry Bagnato of CBS News Radio had his shotgun microphone in front of the speakers. The next day on a national broadcast we heard the voices of those that talked about the Cloud County Museum and Piqua signs.

The conference was a kick-off for the "Explore Rural Kansas" Partnership. Next week we'll attach the theme song to the blog.

World get ready! We're about to go relentless in helping the world "Get Rural Kansas!"

KE #2 Marci Penner


  1. If you missed the We Kan Conference you missed a good time!
    The sessions were great and the dancing Mayor from Marion was wonderful.
    Thanks again to Marci, WenDee and everyone else that helped.

  2. This sounds like such a good time.

    Rural Kansas! It doesn't get much better than that...
