Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Make your actions count

Are you a business owner or leader in your home town?

I just have one question. Do you shop local when you can?

I remember going in to a grocery store once in a small town. The owner was an 80-year-old woman. I was asking her questions. It didn't take long before she was in tears.

What hurt her most was that neither the mayor nor city council members ever shopped in her small but fine grocery store.

Our actions matter. Make them count.

KE #2 Marci Penner


  1. I always go to my chamber members for dry cleaning, restaurants, groceries, etc. It's important to keep investing in the businesses that have invested in the community and the chamber. As the president of our local chamber, they appreciate seeing you come in and I always leave my card in case the owner/manager isn't there for me to say hello!

  2. I remember as a child growing up in Buhler Kansas having an "account" at the local grocery store. I loved walking in there and knowing the people and even sometimes them saying "No, Pam, your mom would not want you buying that - put it back" - yes, I buy locally - but I cherish the memories of my mom loving the the idea of the "family shopping" at our small town - we always shopped locally when I was growing up - my mom thought it was very important and it still is. We've recently bought a place at Marion County Lake and I hear those wonderful people talk about how important it is to "take care of their businesses" locally. When we are staying there - we consider that "local" also.
