Monday, February 13, 2012

Quizzing Around

This is a Kansas quiz I posted on Kansas Day 2012. Give it a try!


1. Where would you find the largest barn in the state that is open to the public?

2. It took 37 years to build which structure that was started in 1866?

3. The Skyscraper of the Plains refers to an 1890 bank building in which town?


1. John Steuart Curry painted many of the famous murals in the state capitol. His boyhood home has been moved to a museum complex in which town?

2. In which town can you can you find a Pony Express Horse and Rider, in statue form? (Artist was Richard Bergen).

3. Name the Kansas Explorer who can describe a Kansas nuance as well as anyone and has written a book called "Life on the Ground in a Rectangular State."


1. Where should you go to see marbles made and to buy everything marbles...and other nostalgic games?

2. Name the famous flour milled at the Stafford County Flour Mill.

3. Titan Trailer is one reason __________________ is known as the Stock Trailer Capital of Kansas.

1. If you go on the right day you can get chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes in a restaurant where the walls are lined with puzzles. In which town would you find this cafe?

2. Since 1982, this barbecue joint west of Hutchinson has been packing people in every Tuesday-Saturday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. or until the food is gone. What is the name?

3. Name the three components of the chicken fried steak done the Explorer Way.

1. The widest main street in the United States, 155 feet and 5 inches from storefront to storefront, is found in what town?

2. The Also Ran Gallery in Norton features people who finished second in which race?

3. It's becoming quite the custom of many people to go to Mo's Place in Beaver (between Odin and Susank in Barton County). What is Mo's?

1. If you wanted to walk among the ancient cross timbers of Kansas, which state park would you go to?

2. The city limit sign in the unincorporated city of Studley is the most oft stolen sign. It's in the same county as Hoxie. What county is that?

3. Name the first Kansas state park/lake in the state. It opened in 1955. Hint: Nearby is a formation of interesting rocks, also a state park.

1. What is the name of the famous church in Wabaunsee that is connected to the days of Bleeding Kansas? Beecher ______________ and _______________ Church. It still stands today.

2. Name the two towns that have attractions connected to the Dalton Gang.

3. Which fort is known as one of the best preserved authentic frontier posts in the American West? (Hint: has a connection to the Santa Fe Trail).

1. Was Mother Bickerdyke the person that started FHA (Future Homemakers of America), a Civil War nurse, or the founder of the Orphan Train Movement?

2. Milton Tootle owned the land designated for the town named ___________________. This Cloud County town has a Tootlefest every August!

3. S.S. Rogers offered _________________ to travelers back in the 1880s. Travelers told him it was "mighty liberal" of him to offer this. In 1886 he added a post office and dry goods store and the little community became known as Liberal.

When you've exhausted your Kansas brainpower, take a look at the answers:

1. Cooper Barn, Colby
2. State Capitol, Topeka
3. Ness City

1. Oskaloosa
2. Marysville
3. KE #2703 Cheryl Unruh

1. Moon Marble Company, Bonner Springs
2. Hudson Cream Flour made in Hudson at Stafford Co. Flour Mills
3. Waterville

1. Curtis Cafe, Stafford
2. Roy's BBQ
3. a) fresh meat, b) hand breaded, c) grill or pan fried.

1. Plains (Meade Co.)
2. Presidential
3. a microbrewery

1. Cross Timbers State Lake, near Toronto (Woodson Co.)
2. Sheridan County
3. Kanopolis

1. Bible and Rifle
2. Meade and Coffeyville
3. Fort Larned

1. Civil War nurse
2. Miltonvale
3. water

Who would've thought that taking a quiz could help you "Get Kansas?!"

KE #2 Marci Penner

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