As if Susie Haver and Tammy Britt didn't have enough to do having just wrapped up another successful Kansas Sampler Festival in Concordia, they had enough energy and creativity to come up with this clever idea for a window dressing! The Cloud County Tourism office is lucky to have a large display window area facing Concordia's Main Street. They took an Kansas Explorers Club lawn chair and filled it with promotional publications and adorned it with the Kansas Explorers car flag. Behind the chair they created a "Kansas Explorer" complete with the "See Kansas With New Eyes" explorer vest, explorer buttons, more promotional materials and official explorer headgear - a pith helmet - on top of an image of Cloud County Tourism Director, Susie Haver, also known simply as Two Seven (her Kansas Explorer number). The green bags on either side of the chair are the new shopping bags for Kansas Explorers that say "EXPLORE KANSAS" - "SHOP LOCAL". The bright yellow sign says it all.
These two gals really "Get Kansas" and came up with a unique way to tell the world about it! Wouldn't it be great to see other communities use store fronts like this and tell the world how to explore their town and our state?
Thanks Susie and Tammy for using Kansas Explorer gear and the explorer concept to help others "Get Kansas!"
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