What good is a list? Let's find out. Let's see if this list of "Capitals of Kansas" helps you learn something about Kansas or makes you curious enough to want to go visit the place!
Here's the list as compiled by the Kansas Sampler Foundation. The designations have either gone through a legislative process or through a Kansas Sampler Foundation process.
Air Capital, Wichita
Allis Chalmers Capital, Washington
Art Treasures Capital, Oswego
Barbed Wire Capital, LaCrosse
Bass Fishing Capital, WaKeeney
Bean Feed Capital, Erie
Black Squirrel Capital, Marysville
Bluebird Capital, Johnson County
Brome Grass Capital, Holton
Carnival Heritage Capital, Kinsley
Catfish Capital, Chetopa and Coffey County
Comic Book Capital, Morland
Covered Dish Capital, Windom
Cow Chip Capital, Russell Springs
Cowboy Boot Capital, Olathe
Cowboy Capital, Dodge City
Cutting Horse Capital, Garden City
Czech Capital, Wilson
Drovers Capital, Ellsworth County
Earthquake Capital, Palco
Fishing Capital, Geary County
Fossil Capital, Geary County
Fossil Capital, Oakley
Fried Chicken Capital, Pittsburg
German Capital, Ellis County
Goose Capital, Kirwin
Grassroots Art Capital, Lucas
Greyhound Capital, Abilene
Halloween Capital, Hiawatha
Hamburger Capital, Phillips County
Historic Barn Capital, Doniphan County
Homestead Literature Capital, Osborne County
Horse Racing Capital, Eureka
Light Capital, McPherson
Lustron Home Capital, Great Bend
Milo Capital, Beattie
Mural Capital, Winfield
Museum Capital, Abilene
Natural Gas Capital, Hugoton
Original Jayhawker Capital, Mound City
Ornate Box Turtle Capital, Caldwell
Outhouse Capital, Elk Falls
Pancake Capital, Liberal
Peach Capital, Haysville
Pecan Capital, Chetopa
Pheasant Capital, Norton
Pie Capital, Washington
Pinto Bean Capital, Leoti
Plow Capital, Kingman
Post Rock Capital, Lincoln County
Prairie Chicken Capital, Cassoday
Prairie Hay Capital, Yates Center
Printing Capital, Girard
Purple Martin Capital, Parsons
Rocking Chair Capital, Cuba
Spinach Capital, Lenexa
Stained Glass Capital, Cloud County
Stock Trailer Capital, Waterville
Stone Bridge Capital, Cowley County
Storytelling Capital, Downs
Sunflower Capital, Goodland
Sunshine Capital, WaKeeney
Terra Cotta Capital, Salina
The Capital, Topeka
Threshing Show Capital, Jefferson County
Trails Capital, Marshall County
Water Sports Capital, Osage County
Watermelon Capital, Clyde & Thayer
Wheat Capital, Sumner County
White Tail Deer Capital, Longton
Wind Farm Capital, Montezuma
Wiper Fish Capital, Norton County
The newest capital of Kansas is Marshall County - the Trails Capital of Kansas! They went through the Kansas Sampler Foundation process which consists of sending facts in bullet points to prove that the nominee deserves the designation. The news appeared on the front page of the latest We Kan! newsletter and a news release will be sent out in the next few days. To read those bullet points, click here.
Now, the big question. Did the list help you "Get Kansas" or help you learn something? Designations are great at helping identify special characteristics in Kansas cities. Which "capital" made you most curious?
KE #2 Marci Penner
I live just 30 minutes north of the mural capital! I have noticed a few murals around Winfield, but now I think a mural safari is in order. Maybe we can do a stone bridge safari on the same day.
OUTRAGEOUS! I love it. My bucket list just got longer, still. If I lived to 103 with healthy body and mind, I still couldn't see everything of interest in the state.
Think BIG Topeka may change Kansas forever with their bid for high speed GOOGLE city award. HATS OFF to them GO TOPEKA
I wonder how Lenexa got designated the Spinach Capital. In fact, I wonder how most of these got their designations. Poor Wyandotte County has nothing, but that's ok. These were fun to read.
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