Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ol' McDonald had some businesses...

McDonalid is a town of 150 on U.S. 36 in Rawlins County. Stops in the grocery store, the Frosty Mug, and the post office will be a great addition to any Explorer adventure.
Wood floors and big timbers inside the brick 1880s two-story hotel create a great backdrop for some good food.
Several years ago we took an Explorer Group Adventure to the grocery store. The nostalgic atmosphere was a great backdrop for shopping and the then-owner invited us behind the meat counter to get some snacks!
Did you know that the wholesale grocer truck won't even stop at a store unless it can buy $10,000 worth of inventory a week? For example, the McDonald store, they have to go on the order of a bigger nearby store -- in this case the grocery in Bird City. McDonald either has to go pick up their share of groceries or Bird City has to deliver to them.
It's not easy keeping a store open in a town of 155, or a restaurant. To understand why they do it is to "Get Kansas!"
KE #2 Marci Penner

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