For those of you who have driven through Macksville on U.S. 50 looked at the rather dilapidated bar and grill called Edna's and kept on driving, I urge you to return and go inside!
Indeed, Edna's is one of those places that has an old sign with chipped paint and neon beer signs in the window. You aren't even sure it's open and if it was you'd expect that only guys who drive flatbed trucks and check oil pumps would go here. You imagine that it'd be smoke-filled with old grimy dirt creeping up the floor board.
So go in. Try it out. Maybe that's exactly what you'll see. Maybe not. But you'll likely have an Explorer experience. That's for sure.
WenDee had never been to Edna's so we stopped after doing a program in Kinsley. She was almost disappointed that it was so clean and bright inside. We sat down at the counter and before too long the woman behind the counter was sharing some local gossip as if we knew the characters and were on her side of the issue. The more we agreed, the more we heard.
Before our order arrived she had to leave to go drive the school bus. So Nancy (probably in her 80s) came out with our order -- fresh meat, hand-patted, juicy hamburgers. Nancy is the owner of Edna's and a sweetheart of a pistol. Before you knew it we were behind the counter for a picture. She gave WenDee a free beer since it was her first time at Edna's -- or maybe WenDee worked that deal.
The place is clean and feels like the neighbors kitchen more than a bar and grill on the highway. Obviously the place has a following as most everyone that came in was greeted by first name and asked a specific question about their family or work.
Talking to the locals and being interested in their world is the key that unlocks explorer adventures. It's also the best way to "Get Kansas!"
KE #2 Marci Penner
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